
What Are The Best Lead Generation Tools In 2021?

Do you have some New Year’s resolutions for your company? They might be to drive more traffic, increase net sales, or generate more leads. Speaking of the devil, leads are important for everybody who operates online. As many as 61% of B2B marketers perceive generating high-quality leads as a big challenge. In practice, leads mean potential future clients. Once you obtain some leads, you can quite safely assume that these people will be interested in your offer.

So you probably want to know how to generate more in the new year, 2021. Don’t worry, there are some tools that can help you with increasing lead generation. Today, we’ll guide you through them.

Lead Generation Strategy – What Should You Know About It?

Before you start using lead generation tools, you should know why and how to use them and what exactly you want to achieve. As with most business activities, you should also start generating leads with strategies that are golden oldies. What should you pay attention to when creating a lead generation strategy?

First things first, which means content. This one is called “king” for a reason. What you publish and the quality of it are both important. You’re able to educate and interest your audience. by sharing high-level content. You can awaken brand awareness and become a trustworthy creator that people want to come back to. The most popular types in this regard are social media and blogs. It’s also worth considering lead magnets, i.e. incentives, which could be in the form of free e-books or newsletters in exchange for contact details. You have almost certainly downloaded a lead magnet yourself more than once, which is only proof that they work. Calls to action are the basis of internet activity. They encourage your audience to perform a desired activity. In the case of generating leads, CTAs are useful, for example, during the process of obtaining contact data. They streamline the entire process, as long as they are prominently displayed and clearly worded (see Fresha examples). The recipient shouldn’t have any doubt about what will happen after clicking on a CTA button. They’re very simple to introduce, yet are an essential factor of any lead generation strategy’s success. After successfully completing an action, it’s worth showing gratitude to that user. So a thank you page should appear after they complete a desired activity. Not only do such pages show good manners, but they can also be a measure of tracking conversion data. And this is an important aspect when it comes to generating leads. The above are must-haves when it comes to your lead generation strategy. To make it successful, you should also pay attention to, e.g., landing pages. Analyze user performance and draw some conclusions. This would also be helpful when tailoring the strategy to your industry.

What Are The Best Lead Generation Tools?

As you can see, lead generation is not a piece of cake. It requires time, resources, and patience. So to make it a bit easier to manage, we’re providing you with a list of lead generation tools that may come in handy.

Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads is a WordPress plugin that’s a collection of many opt-in forms. It provides a simple drag-and-drop editor, so creating what you need won’t be a problem. It offers advanced targeting and A/B tests that will allow you to check if your strategy is working. This plugin is constantly updated with new growth hacking strategies, thanks to which your contact lists can grow very quickly. Based on testimonials, Thrive Leads can drive over 200% increases in conversion. There are three options to choose from, depending on how many licenses you need. One license costs $67, five licenses cost $97, and fifteen cost $147. You can also buy a full Thrive plugins package for $19 per month.


HelpRange is a PDF related tool. How does it help with lead generation? You can use some of your PDF files as lead magnets. Share your PDFs, ask users for their email addresses in exchange for access, and, thanks to this tool, track user engagement across the whole file. There are heat meats available to show exactly how readers interact with your documents. Basically, you have two for the price of one – help with lead generation and a check on if your content is engaging. If you are interested in this tool, there are three ready-made plans costing $29, $45, or $99. You can also tailor the program after an interview with a sales rep.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a Sales Solution on the platform that helps professionals and companies focus on their target audience and build trust among these users. What this tool offers, first and foremost, is advanced search options. They allow filtering by criteria such as seniority in a given position or geographical location. You can also save the results of searches and recommendations. What’s more, all data is updated regularly, so if a potential client moves to another country beyond your interest then you will know about it. Of course, on the condition that this information appears on their LinkedIn profile. There’s a one month free trial, so it’s worth trying this tool if you rely on LinkedIn.


LiveWebinar, as the name indicates, is a webinar provider. Thanks to this tool, you can organize a webinar or online meeting and then ask potential participants to sign up in order to receive an email invitation. It also allows you to save your recordings, called evergreen webinars, which you can use as lead magnets. LiveWebinar offers three paid plans for which you can pay monthly or annually, and they all have trial periods. There is also a free plan.


This tool helps with managing all email-related activities. Creating a list is a step from which a sales journey on the Internet should actually start. Thanks to Prospect.io, the whole process will be much faster than it would without this tool. You can combine private email addresses, calls, and social media actions into omnichannel campaigns. As such, it is possible to reach huge target groups. What’s more, thanks to analytical tools, you can keep your finger on the pulse by checking what contributes to obtaining the largest number of leads. There are two plans if you are interested in buying this tool – Essential for $89 and Business for $149.


Something for social media fans. This one is a calendar for scheduling all your posts (or ads on Facebook) on various platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and the aforementioned Facebook. Thanks to Kontentino, workflows are much smoother because everything is collected in one place. You can contact your team, clients, graphic designer, or translator via Kontentino. It’s also possible to track the performance of posts and gain insights into the most significant KPIs. You can pay monthly or annually in EUR or USD. There are three plans for €44, €110, or €200. If you don’t know which program would be best for you, there’s another option. Thanks to the pricing calculator, you can tailor a plan to your needs and check the price of that solution.


Reply.io is an outreach automation tool, thanks to which you will have full control over campaigns. It organizes them via email, SMS, or even WhatsApp. There is also a convenient email finder, which helps with building a tailored mailing list. You can also personalize your emails and sort inboxes or messages (this option is AI-assisted). There are three plans for both Sales Engagement and Email Search categories.


This tool will be helpful if you share external content. Thanks to RocketLink you can add your own retargeting pixels, pop-ups, or even CTAs. Thanks to this, you can track the performance of your links. This tool also helps with managing and shortening URLs. The three pricing plans all have free trials, and cost $19, $29, or $69 per month.


Harmonizely allows for better organization of meetings, bypassing the need for email exchanges to arrange convenient dates or confirm appointments. Using this tool is extremely simple, you just need to create an account that you can integrate with any calendars that you wish like iCloud or Google. Then specify a suitable time, and other users will know about your availability. Harmonizely also takes into account buffers, such as arrival time to the meeting place. It sends you a notification by email every time someone arranges a meeting with you. There are also many integrations available, such as with Zapier, Slack, or MailChimp. There is a Free plan or a Pro plan for $12 per month. You can also tailor the program to your specific needs after contact with reps.


This one is mainly dedicated to social media. It offers over 200 code-free data extractions and automation tools for platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora, and more. You can use each one individually or combine them to create a multi-channel workflow. If you use Phantombuster for your social media, you can automate processes such as generating leads and building your target audience. It also helps with growing the reach and engagement of your followers. The pricing offer is wide – four paid plans, each with a two-week free trial, and one free. The Growth Hacker plan costs $30 per month, the Business plan costs $70, the Enterprise $200, and the Premium plan $900. There is also the option of annual billing.

Are You Ready To Increase Your Leads?

Lead generation is not an easy task, but it’s definitely worth the effort. By starting with a good strategy and choosing the right channels, you can really make a difference. But remember that not only the quantity, but also quality counts. Only 56% of companies check the quality and importance of leads before forwarding them to the sales department. You should be in this segment, since it will save their time.

The above list contains tools that will be useful to you on various channels and will help you generate leads for your online business. We hope that it will also help you start this year perfectly, and that you’ll be satisfied with the level of lead generation you will achieve in 2021.

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HelpRange is "Next-Gen Data Room For Documents Protection & Analytics". HelpRange is a cutting-edge virtual data room platform for document access controls and in-depth analytics, ensuring superior management and usage insights for your documents.